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For Students  ·  For Scientists  ·  For Everyone

We correct your texts. Quickly and Reliably.

I. In Good Spelling

Whether you would like to write a letter, a book of your own or an important article, whether you are just looking for hints or are simply so busy that you cannot afford to spend time on the final version of your text yourself, we can help. Be it according to the enforced reformed spelling, be it our favourite in Traditional German Orthography (see, in German, here).

II. Service for Everyone

For more information and for an overview over prices, please see here.

III. In the Name of Science

If you are a student, we can coach you in finding the best way to put your thoughts on paper.

If you are a graduate or scientist, we are ready to help you, too. Are you a scientist from abroad wishing to publish in German? We can help you.

Just contact us.

